What are Tower Workers Called? About Air Traffic Controllers

Learn more about the tasks, challenges of tower workers and the way to become an air traffic controller in Turkey.with details in this article

What are Tower Workers Called? About Air Traffic Controllers

The Importance of the Flight Tower and the Role of Tower Employees

As one of the cornerstones of flight safety, the air traffic control tower is a critical unit that regulates air traffic and ensures safety in this area. Tower workers, on the other hand, are vital in maintaining flight safety. These professionals are often called 'air traffic controllers'. In Turkey and around the world, air traffic controllers are in constant communication with pilots and guide them during takeoff, landing or flight

Duties of the Air Traffic Controller

Air traffic controllers act as a kind of 'traffic police' in the sky to ensure aircraft move safely, orderly and efficiently. Their duties include giving takeoff and landing permits to aircraft, controlling air traffic flow, coordinating flight paths, and conducting emergency procedures. They are also required to provide information to pilots about weather conditions, runway conditions and other factors affecting the flight

The Challenges and Rewards of Being a Tower Worker

Being an air traffic controller is a profession that requires intense stress and high concentration. To perform this task, a broad knowledge and a high level of problem-solving ability are required. Tower workers can be faced with situations where they sometimes have to make life-saving decisions, quite stressful and requiring responsibility. However, the high job satisfaction that this profession brings and the critical role they play in society are factors that make many professionals endure these challenges

How to Become an Air Traffic Controller in Turkey

Those who want to become an air traffic controller in Turkey must undergo certain training processes. Trainings and exams organized by the General Directorate of the State Airport Administration (DHMI) must be successfully completed. Applicants must first have a good knowledge of English, have graduated from the relevant departments of universities and certify that they are fit to perform this profession in terms of health. In addition to theoretical knowledge, the trainings include simulations and real-time hands-on trainings
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